If you do choose to purchase digital currencies or tokens, recognize that they are new. There may be significant risk involved in putting your money into something that hasn’t been around very long. A good rule of thumb when investing in a new product is to only invest money that you are willing to lose, crypto com refer so that it’s not financially devastating if the investment doesn’t pan out. One way to spread risk is to diversify your investments. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. That way, if one of your investments loses money, the other investments can make up for it. Unlike some other forms of cryptocurrency, Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin, meaning it’s backed by fiat currencies like U.S. dollars and the Euro and hypothetically keeps a value equal to one of those denominations. In theory, this means Tether’s value is supposed to be more consistent than other cryptocurrencies, and it’s favored by investors who are wary of the extreme volatility of other coins.